Reinforcement and enrichment activities for summer

Some of you did really good presentations about impacts in the ecossytems, and I thought it woud be great to share with all the class. I have erased the name of the student to save your privacy.
you can see the presentations here: IMPACTS IN THE ENVIRONMENT

Here you have a file with reinforcement and enrichment activities for SUMMER: actividades de refuerzo y de ampliación 1º ESO bilingüe
The actvities are mixed.  The enrichment activities are:
- some questions about the units we have covered but we didn't go over them, and
- the units 1 to 4 that we couldn't cover this year, about Universe-Earth, atmosphere, hydrosphere  and geosphere, but I suppose you know something about this because some contents are similar to the ones you studied in Geography and History. Anyway, here you have some presentations, crosswords and games I used for the last few years that may help you Presentaciones y recursos tema 1 a 4

Then, you will find reinforcement actvities in the same file (actividades de refuerzo y de ampliación 1º ESO bilingüe) about units 5 to 12.

Finally, to learn things like types of leaves, trees and some caracateristics of the seeds, how they transport stiking to the other things two classmates recommended me this web:  You can choose English or Spanish.

And if you want to read a book this summer you may like this one: "No hay planeta B", de Eva Saldaña Buenache , editorial Beascoa.vídeo explicativo " no hay planeta B"

It's been a pleasure to be your teacher! Have a great summer!

Mari Carmen Morón
