Hello everyone!
I think we have to review some concepts about the ecosystems before going on. And I am looking forworad to talk to you and see your faces...!
What a about doing a videoconference on Wednseday the 13th at 11 am? Please, write in the comments if you have any other on line class that day ath the same hour. Another possibility is Thursday th 14th at 11 am.
 You will have to take your notbook and/or activities about unit 11 (Ecosphere) and a red pen. Note down if you have any doubts to ask.

See you on Wednesday then?

Please remind your parents to write a comment in the prevous post to confirm htey have understood the new assement criteria (nuevos criterios de calificación). 


  1. Hello Mari Carmen, yes, we have a videoconference with the english teacher. At the same day but at 12 am.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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