How to present the sicence fair project

- COVER: with title, names and surnames of the team, and class.

- INDEX: like in a book, you wirte the name of the section on the left and the corresponding page.
 when it starts on the right. 2 sections can start in the same page or in different ones, it doesn't matter.

- 1. INTRODUCTION. Breif summary about the problem you tried to solve with your experiment (here you don't usually say the final result).

- 2. HYPOTHESIS: After you hypothesis you need to include the VARIABLES OF THE EXPERIMENT.

- 3. MATERIALS. List of objects, liquids, seeds.... whatever you needed to do peform the experiment.


5. RESUTLS: shown with a table. Then explain that table. If you had to repeat the experiment, why.. how...

6. CONCLUSION. Say it you hypothesis was true or not and if it is not, what can be the cause.

Usually this kinf of reports are written on white paper and with the computer (word document, not power point) . If you use the computer use the same size of letter, and not too big.

Dead line; Wednesday, the 12th of February.

Remember this report will be part of your final mark.
